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DiacellĀ® ChicagoDAC

Transport Measurements, Quantum Design PPMSĀ®, Pmax = 30 GPa, Tmin = 4 K, WD = 24.40 mm
  • The Diacell Ā® ChicagoDAC is an efficient bellows-driven and optimised for transport measurements in QDā€™s PPMS Ā®
  • The cell has been developed in collaboration with the group of Prof. Rosenbaum, then at Chicago, now at Caltech
  • The Diacell Ā® ChicagoDAC is non-magnetic and provides in-situ pressure tuning and measurement via the bellows and fiber ā€“coupled ruby fluorescence manometry. An optional insert is available to accommodate the gas coupling and necessary optics
  • When the Diacell Ā® ChicagoDAC is equipped with our patterned diamond anvils (4 probes) or our novel ā€œintelligentā€ diamonds (8 probes), one can perform seamless transport measurements at extreme conditions
  • Other techniques are also enabled, such as magnetic susceptibility, fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy
  • YouTube video

SKU: A94200

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A compact bellows-driven diamond anvil cell for high-pressure, low-temperature transport measurements

The DiacellĀ® ChicagoDAC was developed in full collaboration with the group of Prof. Rosenbaum – then at the University of Chicago; now at Caltech. The principle of operation of the cell is described in detail on Feng, et al. Rev. Sci. Instr. 85, 033901 (2014).

The ChicagoDAC is an efficient bellows-controlled diamond anvil cell that is optimized for use in the Quantum Design PPMS platform, but it can be equally adapted to fit inside the bores of high-field superconducting magnets in helium-4 cryostats (with or without liquid helium), helium-3 cryostats, and dilution refrigerators.

The diamond anvil cell is non-magnetic and provides in situ pressure tuning and measurement by means of a helium-filled bellows actuator and fiber-coupled ruby fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. An insert is available to accommodate the gas coupling to the bellows and the necessary optics for ruby fluorescence manometry. For the latter, in particular, a single multimode optical fiber carrying both the incident light and the emitted spectrum coupled to a pair of plano-convex lenses provide a wide-aperture coupling between the fiber and the pressure chamber. This efficient coupling allows the cell pressure to be measured with incident light power in the tens or hundreds of Ī¼W range, minimizing any local heating that might occur during the measurement.

As such, the ChicagoDAC provides an opportunity to probe a variety of phenomena continuously and with high resolution in the three-dimensional high-magnetic-field, high-pressure and low-temperature parameter space.


One particular exciting application is having the ChicagoDAC equipped with our new development of patterned diamond anvils to enable seamless transport measurements at the extreme conditions. The patterned diamond anvils have electrically conducting tracks deposited on culet and pavilion, which enables making contacts to the sample much easier.

Similarly, susceptibility measurements are equally possible and the paper by Feng et al. referred above gives details on how to pursue that.

Finally, because of suitable optics already present in the ChigagoDAC’s insert, other spectroscopic measurements such as fluorescence and inelastic scattering (Raman) are also feasible with the same set-up.Ā  An optical fibre is supplied with the insert to enable the coupling to an optical system via a SMA connector. A gas relief valve is supplied with the insert and is fitted at room temperature.

A video showing the DiacellĀ® ChicagoDAC (including the insert and patterned diamond anvil) is available on ourĀ YouTube channel.


Cell Material High Strength Beryllium Copper Alloy
Anvil Support Plate Single crystal sapphire
Pressure Mechanism Gas Membrane
Maximum Pressure Ā 30 GPa
Temperature Range 4 K
Top Angle 19Āŗ
Bottom Angle 13Āŗ
Lateral Access 2 side ports (15mm x 10mm approx)
Heating N/A
Cooling Via Cryostat or QD’s PPMSĀ®
DAC Diameter 25 mm
DAC Height 120 mm (including puck)
Working Distance to Sample 24.40 mm
Numerical Aperture 0.17
DAC Weight 320 g

Maximum pressure is dependent upon the culet size of the anvils. Almax easyLab is committed to its policy of continuous improvement. Specifications may change without notice. easyLab and Diacell are registered trademarks of Almax easyLab. PPMS is a registered trademark of Quantum Design, Inc.


We have compiled a series of technical documents (brochures, articles, technical drawings, …) which you might find useful to help you understand this product better.

Technical documentation

Brochure ChicagoDAC

Application Note ChicagoDAC

Technical Drawing

Please contact us for further details on the engineering drawings.


2014 – Feng et al. – A compact bellows-driven diamond anvil cell for high-pressure, low-temperature magnetic measurements

2015 – Feng et al. – Direct probe of Fermi surface evolution across a pressure-induced quantum phase transition

2017 – VanGennep et al. – Pressure-induced superconductivity in the giant Rashba system BiTeI

2018 – Jackson et al. – Superconducting and magnetic phase diagram ofĀ  RbEuFe4As4 and CsEuFe4As4 at high pressure


Spares, Accessories and Options

Our diamond anvil cells are aligned and mechanically tested before leaving our factory on their way to your laboratory.

They also come supplied with the required basic tooling, including gasket blanks, to use them. All is contained in the transportation casing to move around laboratories easily.

Below you can find some of the accessories and spares you might also consider. If you cannot find what you need, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

Diamond Anvils
2.50 mm Diacell design diamond anvils
Product code: [P00131]
Anvil Support Plate
Sapphire seat, transparent, for optical measurements
Product code: [P02217]
Patterned Anvil
Gold patterning of 4 electrodes, Inter-distance = 0.1 mm (C=0.40 mm)/ or 0.2 mm (C= 0.80 mm)
Product code: [P01862]
Intelligent Anvil (iā€“diamonds)
Patterning of intelligent anvil with 8 tungsten leads (10 Ī¼m width) covered by a thin insulating layer of diamond
Product code: [P02193]
PCB used to connect electrical leads for transport measurements
Product code: [P01770]
Gas Membrane
Gas membrane for the Chicago-DAC
Product code: [A94020]
Gasket Blanks
5 mm/ 0.25 mm thick BeCu gasket blanks
Product code: [P00537]


What is the maximum pressure I can achieve with the Chicago DAC and a given culet size?

Culet size (Āµm) 400 500 600 800 1000
Pmax (GPa) (*) 48 31 21 12 8

(*) The Pmax values are only indicative. The maximum pressure achievable with a DAC is influenced by many others experimental parameters, like the gasket characteristics (material, thickness and hole size) or the pressure transmitting medium.


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