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DiacellĀ® CCS-DAC System

Optical and X-ray spectroscopy, Cryostat with integrated DAC, Pmax = 100 GPa, Tmin = 10 K
  • The DiacellĀ® CCS-DAC enables experiments up to above 50 GPa and down to temperatures of about 10 K
  • The system combines and fully integrates a DiacellĀ® Bragg-LT(G) or OmniDAC-LT diamond anvil cell to the Janis CCS-100/204 bench top optical cryostat
  • The closed-cycle cryostat is based on a SHI cold head and features electrical feedthrough, optical vacuum shroud and radiation shield (f 1.0 optics), integrated gas membrane line and specific DAC holder
  • Various window materials are possible, such as Mylar, quartz or combination of both
  • Options: Temperature controller, Turbo pump system, RubyLUX fluorescence, Mounting breadboard for horizontal mounting, automated XYZ stage for RubyLUX



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Cryocooler-based cryostat, Janis Model CCS-100/204, with integrated DAC.

This turn-key low temperature and high pressure diamond anvil cell system is extremely simple to use. The nominal temperature range is about 10 K up to 325 K, although lower temperatures are achievable.

This is essentially a bench-top cryostat and high pressure system, which is ideal for scattering as well as optical work.
The second stage cold finger comes with a 38 mm diameter copper sample mount, 50 ohm control heater, andĀ  silicon diode temperature sensor.

A special large-diameter optical radiation shield mounted on first stage is also included. The standard optical vacuum shroud is four (4) 41.4 mm diameter clear view windows.Ā  Various windows materials are possible, such as fused silica and mylar, for example.

The cryostatā€™s instrumentation skirt includes one 10-pin electrical feedthrough for heater and temperature sensors, one o-ring compression seal port, one blank feedthrough port, evacuation valve and safety pressure relief valve.

A special sample holder to fit either Bragg-LT(G) or OmniDAC-LT cells and integrated gas line to enable gas membrane DAC operation are also included.Ā  Naturally, other cells from our range may be accommodated.

Options for the DiacellĀ® CCS-DAC System include:
ā™¦Ā  An integrated Optiprexx RubyLux system automated for ruby fluorescence manometry at low temperatures, including laser, transfer optics, spectrometer and fibre optic.
ā™¦Ā  A model 335 single loop temperature controller with cable to cryostat.


Cryostat model Janis Model CCS-100/204
Cryostat type High Purity Helium closed-cycle refrigerator
Temperature Range 10 K – 325 K
Compressor Helium with ~3 meter gas lines ; water cooled
Sample access Standard optical vacuum shroud with four 41.4 mm diameter clear
Window materials available Quartz or Mylar or Calcium Fluoride
Spare access ports One blank feedthrough port
Safety Evacuation valve and safety pressure relief
Integrated Diamond Anvil Cell OmniDAC-LT or CryoDAC-Nitro or Bragg-LT(G) (or equivalent)
DAC Pressure Mechanism Gas Membrane
Maximum Pressure According to the integrated DAC detailed technical specifications
Measurements Access Angles According to the integrated DAC detailed technical specifications

Maximum pressure is dependent upon the culet size of the anvils. Almax easyLab is committed to its policy of continuous improvement. Specifications may change without notice. easyLab and Diacell are registered trademarks of Almax easyLab.


We have compiled a series of technical documents (brochures, articles, technical drawings, …) which you might find useful to help you understand this product better.

Technical documentation

Brochure CCS-DAC

Technical Drawing

Please contact us for further details on the engineering drawings.

Spares, Accessories and Options

Our products are tested before leaving our factory on their way to your laboratory.

They also come supplied with the required basic tooling, including gasket blanks, to use them. All is contained in the transportation casing to move around laboratories easily.

Below you can find some of the accessories and spares you might also consider. If you cannot find what you need, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

Temperature controller
Temperature controller, Model 335 from Lakeshore (or equivalent) with cable to connect to cryostat
Product code: [P01491]
Pumping System
Turbo pump with its controller
Product code: [A95050]
Optical Breadboard with cryostat mounting bracket
Product code: [A95020]
Automated Stages with Controlling Hub
3 motorised translation stages and controllers providing a full 50 mm motion of the RubyLUX optical system
Product code: [A95030_A95040]
Gas Membrane
Spare gas membrane enabling enabling the use of the DAC outside the cryostat
Product code: [depending on the DAC]
DAC Screw RingĀ 
Spare DAC screw ring enabling the use of the DAC outside the cryostat
Product code: [Depending on the DAC]


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